Do we review the vaccines? 2018 Vaccine Calendar for Children

By Admin
In Uncategorized
Jan 16th, 2018

: en fr de es

The immunization schedule for children calendar 2018 is that every parent should have to know which vaccine touches their children depending on their age. One of the first things when we have a newborn baby, is to ask when the doctor to start its control growth, and to give us a card of vaccines that we always have a day and date (first month and then progressively over the years).

From January 2018 already implemented this new vaccine schedule in order to reduce the number of punctures in the infant. These changes only affect children from 0 to 2 years.

The baby gets his first shot at two months and from here you should get vaccinated until you have about 12 or 14 years. You might seem too but the truth is that vaccines are necessary taking into account the ability of newborns to produce antibodies.

Now let us see what is the vaccine schedule for this year 2018 and the first months of 2018

Immunization schedule for children 2018

Remain in the vaccine schedule for children three doses of hexavalent vaccine, three doses of anineumocócica vaccine (known as Prevenar) that already a year putting in all regions of the country, two doses of meningitis C, a dose of MMR measles, mumps and rubella and a dose of varicella vaccine.

Advisory Committee on Immunization recommends vaccination with meningitis B (Bexsero), despite not being subsidized by establishing the initial pattern in the 2, 4 and 6 months for the first vaccination, and a memory between 12 and 15 months. In this case, not together with systematic doses, it is recommended to administer to within 15 days. So, if for example the hexavalent and Prevenar administered at 2 months, the recommendation is to administer the Bexsero at 2 months and 15 days.

Finally, vaccination with rotavirus vaccine is also recommended, either Rotateq preparation which is administered in three doses (2, 4 and 6 months), either with known as Rotarix, which is administered in two doses ( 2 and 4 months).

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